7 Night Freestay

The voucher becomes null & void. If however you wish to revalidate this voucher for a further 18 months pending on our contractual arrangements with the properties, you may do so by returning your old voucher with an extension fee of $50 and we will issue a new voucher.

In most cases yes but please note resorts may have specified check-in days only.

Vouchers are valid for a minimum 18 months as per expiry date unless extended as per last Q&A on this page.

Vouchers will be replaced for a fee $50 each.

Availability during school or holiday periods and special events are strictly limited. All accommodation is subject to availability.

Yes Freestay vouchers are fully Transferable

Our fully licensed nominated travel agents are more than happy to assist you with arranging your flights, transfers & insurance needs.

No. All expenses including travel, food & beverage are the sole responsibility of the recipient.

Yes you can take additional guests, please refer to the terms & conditions for upgrade fees.
